
D. G. M. Typographics™ is the atelier of typewright David G. Millhouse and is located in the medieval city center of Amsterdam, Hollandthe Netherlands.
9:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday. E:  T: +44 (0) 7516 605 726

David G. Millhouse M. A. M7LLH.
B. 1982 in Portsmouth, England.

Draws letterform contours as more than ‘something to read’ since 1994. Works as an undertaker. Builds first website in 1999 at sixteen years of age and leaves home. Awarded Bachelor of Arts from the university of Portsmouth in 2004. Sunday’s volunteer at Fort Nelson. Reads Minima Moralia at twenty-four whilst raising a child for twelve. Attains M. A. in Sequential Design at Brighton University in 2006. Publishes three issues of G. from 2007, sold primarily on Savile Row, London. Launches issue three from Frankfurt am Main [Fig]. Releases first TrueType typeface in 2008. 2012–2016 lives in Paris, opens office on rue du Faubourg-Saint-Denis. Guest speaker on the subject of typography at Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam, Willem de Kooning Rotterdam, Portsmouth University and Southampton/Winchester School of Art. Lives on Brussels’ Grand Sablon monastic site, 2016–2019. Pickpocketed of Earl Gris Vert on Paris Métro, retrieves it. Studies M. A. Type Design in 2019 at Reading University whilst hearing Shostakovich’s Symphony no.5 in D.Minor, Op.47, declares self-tuition one month before lockdown. Releases Monylop typeface in 2020, as well as Oracidae and Isospin. Opens Amsterdam studio in 2021 on Utrechtsestraat, relocates to the Red Light District a year later. Launches Diagram Editions™. 2022, delivers lecture at Graphische Werkplaats Amsterdam for Letterspace entitled The Scenic Route [Fig]. Becomes licenced to operate wireless radio in 2023. Determines CW Morse code dearest mode and formulates The Millhouse Method.

David G. Millhouse
by Michel Amet



‘First it must be borne in mind that a fine book is more than “something to read”. The amateur looks for character in printing’. Four Centries of Fine Printing, 12, Stanley Morison 1924 (Ernest Benn Limited, London, Revised Octavo 1949).
Minima Moralia: Reflexionen aus dem beschädigten Leben / Reflections on a Damaged Life. Theodor W. Adorno, 1951 (Verso Books; (Radical Thinkers), translated by E. F. N. Jephcott, Reprint 2005).
  Family Volume
One-to-one mentorship for B. A. students at Winchester School of Art; The student workshop #Hash in 2013 at the Willem de Kooning Academy of Rotterdam, offered students a progressive outlook from the baseline-grid in relation to societal policy and courtliness; Student production of roughly two hundred and fifty cover studies in 1½ hours after a biographic lecture for Portsmouth University B. A. Illustration students, the Bachelors degree of D. G. M; Gerrit Rietveld Academie Designlab class visit the office of D. G. M. at Bastille, Paris in 2013; 2021 Pixel Party workshop for Gerrit Rietveld Academie students of Amsterdam, in collaboration with Viola Renate.
Earl Grey tea is named after Prime Minister Charles Grey. In 1833 his government abolished slavery throughout the British Empire. Prior to that, trader of enslaved people turned abolitionist rector from 1780—1807 appends Rev. John Newton of Nicolas Hawksmoor’s St. Mary’s Woolnoth, London [Fig].
  Between The Temples
Diagram Editions
M7LLH QSO Database The Millhouse Method
The Typefaces are as follows, Monylop , Sparring , Oracidae , Isospin , Bombe , Affaire , Portsea , Sodar  and Caesura.


DTP services include the construction of fully bespoke typefaces, corporate identities, visual direction for print, websites and film …
 Request extensive Portfolio PDF 
  This website has been fully self-built from scratch without the reliance of any corporate publishing platform. All typefaces operating and presented have been formulated by David G. Millhouse, consequentially accomplished and documented from the year 2020.

All typefaces remain independently distributed and are available via the DGM Type Foundry           

D. G. M. at Amsterdam HQ.
by Keiichi Sakakura © 2024


© Copyright David G. Millhouse 2024 All rights reserved.